Cash Register Express version 15.1001 is now avialable


What's new in the newest release of the Cash Register Express POS system?

Enhancements and updates were completed is the accounting export, Barcode Express, Inventory Maintenance , Gift Cards, and Reporting. If you have a shared support contract your upgrades should be included in your plan (Shared Support is support with both your dealer and CRE direct support). You should contact your dealer for this version upgrade. If you don't have an active dealer and require the update please contact us as we can supply you with the support contract and upgrade. 

Upgrades to the Accounting interface include Quickbooks Desktop

In order to keep you able to use the most recent version of Quickbooks the ability for CRE to integrate with the newly released QuickBooks 2022 Pro and Enterprise desktop versions were completed and added in this release. 

The Inventory Maintenance Module was also upgraded to add Global Delete

This release or Cash Register Express introduces the "Delete Items" feature to the global inventory changes screen. Just like other bulk action functions in this screen, you need only select the desired items with the parameters under "Apply Changes To". Once selected simply click "Delete Items" to begin the Delete Items action. Please keep in mind this action is irreversible, so a failsafe has been added and you will be prompted to confirm you really wish to proceed with the deletion. You will have to have administration credentials to continue with this task.   

Additional upgrades we added for Gift Card and reporting

To get additional information about the other features and improvements added in the version contact your dealer. As previously mentioned if you don't have an active dealer we would love to talk to you about that. Give us a call at 800-863-2274 and ask for Harrison or find additional information at Cash Register Express Support Options.


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